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Cell Phone/Electronics Policy

Saratoga Children’s Theatre is a busy program that is best experienced without the distraction of cell phones or other electronics; we strongly recommend leaving them at home. For those parents who choose to allow students to bring cell phones to our programs, cell phones are to be turned in to the instructor and placed in the cell phone box.

(COVID-19 UPDATE: Electronics will be kept away in the students personal pod area in compliance with the CDC guidelines)

For several years, we have had a no cell phone policy. We understand that parents increasingly rely on their children’s ability to contact them by cell phone if they encounter a problem, and that this safety net is something parents and campers are reluctant to abandon. Cell phones can result in cyber bullying, the posting of inappropriate photos and videos, and all kinds of disruptions of the program environment. Therefore, Saratoga Children’s Theatre Staff feel that it is appropriate to prohibit them to promote social interaction.

To address students’ and parents’ need to speak with one another, we will have scheduled time to call during breaks during our programing and 12-12:15pm scheduled time at summer camp.

In the case of an emergency, you can call the SCT office line: 518.886.8800 and we will direct your call to your child. This number can be found on our website or any of the information you receive from SCT.

This policy applies to all students and staff members.

*Saratoga Children’s Theatre is not responsible for the theft, loss, damages, or charges to a cell phone brought to camp, regardless of the circumstances.*

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